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Strategy J: Ensure that conference and meeting presenters, speakers and panelists are diverse and address the topic of the conference, rather than be boxed into speaking only on the topic of diversity and inclusion.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Ensure that conference and meeting presenters, speakers and panelists are diverse and address the topic of the conference, rather than be boxed into speaking only on the topic of diversity and inclusion.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy J: Join professional groups and listservs to stay up to date on information related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Join professional groups and listservs to stay up to date on information related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy L: Review strategic plan for priorities of diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competency. Where priorities are lacking, update strategic plan in collaborative, open, inviting manner with internal and external partners.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Review strategic plan for priorities of diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competency. Where priorities are lacking, update strategic plan in collaborative, open, inviting manner with internal and external partners.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy M: Where additional ideas are needed, review diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence initiatives, Toolkits, and strategic planning process from other organizations.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Where additional ideas are needed, review diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence initiatives, Toolkits, and strategic planning process from other organizations.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy N: Funding and policy impact equates to power. Help community organizations gain and sustain power through co-applying for grants, sharing funds, building mentorship and partnerships into grant proposals.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Funding and policy impact equates to power. Help community organizations gain and sustain power through co-applying for grants, sharing funds, building mentorship and partnerships into grant proposals, creating grant opportunities for community organizations, collaboratively developing products and contributing to published literature, and turning over successful projects to community organizations so the Center/Program can innovate rather than hold ongoing power through running long-term community programs.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy O: Include specific goals/objectives related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence in strategic plan, 5-year plans, and other guiding documents and proposals.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Include specific goals/objectives related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence in strategic plan, 5-year plans, and other guiding documents and proposals.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy P: Identify diverse populations in the State or Territory, including refugees and migrant workers. Partner with community leaders to learn about cultures.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Identify diverse populations in the State or Territory, including refugees and migrant workers. Partner with community leaders to learn about cultures. Identify strengths, gifts and needs of these populations at the grassroots level. Focus core efforts on maximizing strengths and meeting needs to help bridge the gap in resiliencies and disparities within your State or Territory.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy Q: Work with the State or Territory DD networks, inclusive of UCEDDs, LENDs, Protection and Advocacy agencies and State Developmental Disability Councils to influence strategically aligned diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence goals.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Work with the State or Territory DD networks, inclusive of UCEDDs, LENDs, Protection and Advocacy agencies and State Developmental Disability Councils to influence strategically aligned diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence goals.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy R: Explore how diversity, inclusion, cultural and linguistic competence, disparities, resiliencies, disproportionality, and inequity are addressed in all AUCD Councils. Include this as part of each Council’s responsibilities.

Infrastructure > Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities.

Explore how diversity, inclusion, cultural and linguistic competence, disparities, resiliencies, disproportionality, and inequity are addressed in all AUCD Councils. Include this as part of each Council’s responsibilities.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy E: Develop a mentorship model that supports UCEDDs and LENDs in their diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence and inclusion planning and initiatives.

Personnel and Trainees > Establish mentorship programs to support professional development of staff, faculty, and trainees.

Develop a mentorship model that supports UCEDDs and LENDs in their diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence and inclusion planning and initiatives. 

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy A: Work with Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and high schools in under-resourced communities to set up mutually-beneficial internships, volunteer opportunities, course credits, service learning, work study, apprenticeships, and other opportunities for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students interested in learning about disabilities.

Personnel and Trainees > Recruit and retain a diverse trainee pool.

Work with Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and high schools in under-resourced communities to set up mutually-beneficial internships, volunteer opportunities, course credits, service learning, work study, apprenticeships, and other opportunities for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students interested in learning about disabilities. Promote opportunities heavily to underrepresented students.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy B: Develop products that all UCEDDs/LENDs can use to recruit trainees through building awareness of the network, opportunities for career paths in the disability field and AUCD network, organizational structure and resources within Universities, and opportunities for graduate student training.

Personnel and Trainees > Recruit and retain a diverse trainee pool.

Develop products that all UCEDDs/LENDs can use to recruit trainees through building awareness of the network, opportunities for career paths in the disability field and AUCD network, organizational structure and resources within Universities, and opportunities for graduate student training. Fund trainee partnerships between UCEDDs/LENDs and Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and other settings serving students who are underrepresented in graduate level training.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy C: Provide incentives to UCEDDs/LENDs for partnering with Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and other settings serving students who are underrepresented in graduate level training.

Personnel and Trainees > Recruit and retain a diverse trainee pool.

Provide incentives to UCEDDs/LENDs for partnering with Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and other settings serving students who are underrepresented in graduate level training. Create a clearinghouse of scholarships and fellowships that would allow trainees to engage in research related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence. Set goal for increasing diversity of families involved in UCEDD/LEND who provide family training experiences to trainees.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy D: Provide incentives to UCEDDs/LENDs for partnering with Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and other settings serving students who are underrepresented in graduate level training.

Personnel and Trainees > Recruit and retain a diverse trainee pool.

Provide incentives to UCEDDs/LENDs for partnering with Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and other settings serving students who are underrepresented in graduate level training. Create a clearinghouse of scholarships and fellowships that would allow trainees to engage in research related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence. Set goal for increasing diversity of families involved in UCEDD/LEND who provide family training experiences to trainees.

Updated On 09/21/2018

Strategy E: Partner with national associations of Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and other settings serving students who are underrepresented in graduate level training.

Personnel and Trainees > Recruit and retain a diverse trainee pool.

Partner with national associations of Minority Serving Institutions, community colleges, and other settings serving students who are underrepresented in graduate level training. Invest early by reaching out to high school, community college, and undergraduate students in underrepresented communities with a focus on providing internships, assistantships, mentorships, and other engaging opportunities to underrepresented groups. Recognize that the return on investment is not immediate or definite.

Updated On 09/21/2018

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