AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Strategy G: Develop a subcommittee of Board, Advisory Council, or other appropriate body with a focus on diversity, inclusion, resiliencies and disparities, and cultural and linguistic competence.

Developing a Subcommittee Objective: Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities. Theme: Infrastructure

Develop a subcommittee of Board, Advisory Council, or other appropriate body with a focus on diversity, inclusion, resiliencies and disparities, and cultural and linguistic competence. Ensure meaningful participation of community members. Create safe spaces for communities and underrepresented groups to voice their concerns. Make sure colleagues are kept up to date on progress, so communication is open, silos are broken down, and staff have the ability to identify any areas of opportunity in their own work and partnerships.

Quote: “We felt we needed more of an individual plan to address the needs we were seeing in our own clinics. We began a diversity task force that consisted of staff members from our UCCED, providers that provide direct patient care, an interpreter, family members, and members from our LEND program. We are beginning meetings to address needs in our department.” – Bethany Sloane, DPT, Assistant Professor, Institute on Development & Disability, Oregon Health & Science University


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