AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Strategy N: Funding and policy impact equates to power. Help community organizations gain and sustain power through co-applying for grants, sharing funds, building mentorship and partnerships into grant proposals.

Supporting Others: Shared Funding and Policy Objective: Develop infrastructure that supports diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; and builds capacity to address and reduce inequities and disparities. Theme: Infrastructure

Reduce cost of annual conference so it is affordable to a broader range of interested people who may not have university or grant funding to participate. Consider providing income-based sliding scale or scholarships for individuals, reduced rates for staff from non-profit agencies, separate meal costs in registration and provide meal tickets for those able to purchase hotel meals with registration, support the cost of accessible and general transportation, and create other opportunities for financial assistance.

Funding and policy impact equates to power. Help community organizations gain and sustain power through co-applying for grants, sharing funds, building mentorship and partnerships into grant proposals, creating grant opportunities for community organizations, collaboratively developing products and contributing to published literature, and turning over successful projects to community organizations so the Center/Program can innovate rather than hold ongoing power through running long-term community programs.

(For AIDD only) Align AIDD’s Diversity Initiative with the HHS Action Plan to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities.


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