AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Strategy P: Focus on individual and community strengths and resiliencies. Address the disparities and disproportionality within diverse communities.

Focus on strengths Objective: Create and promote a safe and inclusive environment in all settings (office, clinic, school, others). Theme: Infrastructure

Focus on individual and community strengths and resiliencies. Address the disparities and disproportionality within diverse communities. People of color and people with disabilities are often discussed in a pathological way. Factors that contribute to resiliency are critical to explore and bolster as disparities, disproportionality, and inequities are being addressed.

Quote: “I think we should also consider a focus on resiliency instead of (or addition to) health disparities. In a recent conversation with one of our state’s Tribal Review experts, she told me that disparities language can often feel like reifying oppression for Alaska Natives, and very paternal to boot e.g. ‘You Alaska Natives are so unhealthy, you have the highest rates of sexual violence, diabetes, lack of education, poverty, TBI, STDs, homicide, mental health problems, tobacco use, obesity, FASD, domestic violence…You are just so oppressed you need our help!’ My contact said a focus on resiliency and thriving may be more effective, and less oppressive.” –Rebekah Moras, PhD, Research Professional, Center for Human Development (AK)


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