Theme: Personnel and Trainees

AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Personnel and TraineesPersonnel and Trainees are the backbone of our network. These staff, faculty, students, volunteers, community members, technical assistance staff, and federal project officers together collaborate within this network to conduct and/or benefit from the broad range of activities that are intended to provide “equitable access to supports and services that reflect the preferences and values of diverse communities and that lead to self-determination, independence, productivity, and a healthy and satisfying quality of life” as indicated in AUCD's vision.


    4. Hire and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce of staff and faculty.

    View Objective, Strategies, and Resources for:

Federal Agency National Organization University-Based Center or Program

    5. Establish collaborative relationships and share resources across network.

    View Objective, Strategies, and Resources for:

Federal Agency National Organization University-Based Center or Program

    6. Develop and nurture partnerships with organizations representing or affiliated with diverse communities.

    View Objective, Strategies, and Resources for:

Federal Agency National Organization University-Based Center or Program

    7. Establish mentorship programs to support professional development of staff, faculty, and trainees.

    View Objective, Strategies, and Resources for:

Federal Agency National Organization University-Based Center or Program

    8. Recruit and retain a diverse trainee pool.

    View Objective, Strategies, and Resources for:

Federal Agency National Organization University-Based Center or Program

Browse Additional Themes & Objectives:

Theme: Infrastructure: Objectives #1 - #3;

Theme: Personnel and Trainees: Objectives #4 - #8;

Theme: Core Functions: Objectives #9 - #12;

Theme: Performance Measurement: Objective #13;

Theme: Funding: Objective #14;

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