Tiffany Putt

AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Tiffany PuttTiffany Putt

Position: Projects Intern

Affiliation:  Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)

Tiffany is a graduate student at Gallaudet University where she is pursuing a dual Master's degree program in Public Administration and International Development. In Summer 2015, Tiffany received an internship offer from the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), which placed her to work with AUCD to serve as a self-advocate and to serve as an advocate for the disability community.

Tiffany received her dual Bachelor's degree in Government and International Studies from Gallaudet University in 2014. Her interest in disability advocacy and international development began during the summer of 2012, where she had the opportunity to visit Southeast Asia countries including Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Tiffany learned about the inequalities affecting third-world countries, mainly towards the disability community. Tiffany's previous internship experience with the National Association of the Deaf (NAD), has helped her to understand the disability inequality around the world, because she conducted research on deaf-related issues and attended policy-related meetings in the Washington, D.C. area.

Tiffany's goal is to complete dual Master's degree program in 2017 and to pursue a career as a consultant for foreign-aid programs trying to improve their inclusiveness regarding disability.


Tiffany spends much of her free time reading books, traveling to other countries, and attending disability advocacy events.
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