Action Plan Objectives

AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Area 4: Local/State Impact (LSI), Objectives


Promote the systematic collection, analysis, and dissemination of disparity data across the areas of emphasis to serve as a benchmark against which progress can be measured.

Action Step LSI-1.1 >
Action Step LSI-1.2 >

Outcomes >


Advance and disseminate scientific knowledge and innovation related to reductions in disparities experienced by individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups throughout the nation.

Action Step LSI-2.1 >
Action Step LSI-2.2 >

Outcomes >


Promote the adoption of policies and legislation focused on reducing disparities and barriers to services experienced by individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups.

Action Step LSI-3.1 >
Action Step LSI-3.2 >
Action Step LSI-3.3 >

Outcomes >

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