Bethany M. Sloane

AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

BehtanyM. SloaneBethany M. Sloane, DPT

Degrees: Doctorate of Physical Therapy

Position: Assistant Professor

Affiliation: Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU); Institute on Development and Disability (IDD)

I have five years experience in pediatric physical therapy. I just completed a pediatric physical therapy residency program at OHSU’s Institute on Development and Disability where I also acted as a LEND fellow for the year 2014-2015. During my time in the residency and LEND program my leadership project consisted of improving and expanding services for families and patients we serve from diverse backgrounds.

I have been involved in several university based international service-learning trips to Peru, Mexico, and China. I served as a clinical instructor for students, assisted in planning and coordination of the trips, assisted in research, and maintained communication with these contacts between trips.

I currently hold a position at OHSU’s Institute on Development and Disability which involves providing clinical treatment, working in specialty clinics of craniofacial disorders, spina bifida, and the neurodevelopmental program. My position includes teaching students and fellows, as well as conducting clinical research. I continue the initiative to promote diversity and inclusion within our department and to provide better services for the children and families we serve.


My interests include international service work, working to provide improvements and increase awareness in the areas of cultural diversity and family centered care for individuals, families and communities living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I love to hike, camp, rock climb, and bike with my family and dog.

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