Meet the Action Team

AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Seven AUCD network members with experience and expertise in effecting organizations change related to cultural and linguistic competence, diversity, and inclusion were competitively selected to serve as Diversity & Inclusion Action Team members. Their role is to advise on and champion two AIDD-funded initiatives: Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan and the Diversity & Inclusion Training Action Plan. The goal of these projects is to develop focused plans and resources for the UCEDD network to reduce and eventually end disparities and inequities in access to and use of services for people with developmental disabilities of all ages and their families who are from underserved racial, ethnic, and linguistic groups.

Hamida Jinnah

Jinnah, Hamida
Institute on Human Development
and Disability
Athens GA

  Brenda Liz Muñoz

Brenda Liz Muñoz
Center for Leadership in Disability
Atlanta, GA

Mark Smith

Smith, Mark
Munroe-Meyer Institute for Genetics
and Rehabilitation, Omaha, NE

  Christine Vining

Vining, Christine
Center for Development
and Disability Pediatrics, Albuquerque, NM

Brown, Audrey

Walton, Jennifer
Ohio State University's
Nisonger Center
Columbus, OH

  Jim Warne

Warne, Jim
Warrior Society Development, LLC
San Diego, CA

Derrick Willis

Willis, Derrick
Institute for Human Development
Kansas City, MO 

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