AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Strategy E: Create opportunities for staff and faculty to work across disciplines, teams, and the AUCD network to enhance collaborations.

Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration Objective: Establish collaborative relationships and share resources across network. Theme: Personnel and Trainees

Create opportunities for staff and faculty to work across disciplines, teams, and the AUCD network to enhance collaborations.


When I began working on improving cultural competence within the IDD at OHSU I began reaching out to other LEND programs. I had weekly meetings with PACWest LEND, New Mexico LEND, and Vermont LEND. I will be inviting this year’s LEND trainee to be a part of the diversity task force if this is an area of interest. Also, I have applied to be on the diversity advisory council here at OHSU as a young professional that is very enthusiastic and passionate about this initiative. I have sent out a survey to IDD staff in order to get a baseline on where our needs in the department are and then be able to work from there. I will continue to reassess this using a survey approximately every 3 years.” – Bethany Sloane, DPT, Assistant Professor, Institute on Development & Disability, Oregon Health & Science University

Collaborate with AIDD, MCHB, UCEDDs, LENDs, and AUCD in establishing priorities and opportunities addressing diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence.

Offer live streaming of major AUCD Conference and Disability Policy Seminar events, encouraging participation by leaders in diverse populations and all others who are unable to attend in person, even with financial support.


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