AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Strategy C: Obtain information from people and grassroots news sources that are trusted in diverse communities to understand the perspectives of people living in those communities.

Trusted news Objective: Create and promote a safe and inclusive environment in all settings (office, clinic, school, others). Theme: Infrastructure

Obtain information from people and grassroots news sources that are trusted in diverse communities to understand the perspectives of people living in those communities.

Quote: “It’s important to stay in touch with what progressive, community-based, and minority-led organizations are talking about and how they’re talking about it. For example, when I worked in education reform, our organization paid close attention to a new advocacy group started by young black adults who had gone through the city's public schools; they wrote and were publicizing what was, basically, a manifesto for improving the system. Some of their points aligned with ours and some didn’t, but it allowed both groups to get to the table and plan actions in a strategic and respectful way. We could also broker conversations between them and the school system, making our organization an even more valuable resource.” –Ben Kaufman, Senior Program Manager, AUCD


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