AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Strategy S: Implement quality improvement initiatives related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; this indicates a priority for others.

Quality improvement Objective: Create and promote a safe and inclusive environment in all settings (office, clinic, school, others). Theme: Infrastructure

Implement quality improvement initiatives related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence; this indicates a priority for others.

Quote: “When I began working on improving cultural competence within the IDD at OHSU I began reaching out to other LEND programs. I had weekly meetings with PACWest LEND, New Mexico LEND, and Vermont LEND. I will be inviting this year’s LEND trainee to be a part of the diversity task force if this is an area of interest. Also, I have applied to be on the diversity advisory council here at OHSU as a young professional that is very enthusiastic and passionate about this initiative. I have sent out a survey to IDD staff in order to get a baseline on where our needs in the department are and then be able to work from there. I will continue to reassess this using a survey approximately every 3 years.” – Bethany Sloane, DPT, Assistant Professor, Institute on Development & Disability, Oregon Health & Science University

Create opportunities for UCEDDs/LENDs to do quality improvement initiatives related to diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence.

Create a diversity, inclusion, and cultural and linguistic competence advisory group who can provide technical assistance, mentorship and expert continuous education and trainings.

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