Magda Rivera-Dillon, ME, PMP, LPN

AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Magda Rivera-Dillon, ME, PMP, LPN

Magda Rivera-Dillon, ME, PMP, LPN

Center for Excellence in Disabilities
West Virginia University, WV

Magda Rivera-Dillon graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayaguez. She worked for many years as an engineer in the federal government and was responsible for engineering, research, test and evaluation, and project management. Following her career in the federal government, Magda pursued studies in the health field in which she had been interested for many years and became a Licensed Practical Nurse.

Magda is currently a graduate student pursuing a Master of Science in Health Sciences with an Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies at West Virginia University (WVU). She is also pursuing a graduate certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis at WVU. Magda is a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Trainee and directly supports the Autism Teen Support Group at the WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities. She is a member of the Project Management Institute and DAU Alumni Association. She is a student member of ASAM, AWIS and WV CTSI. She is a Tau Beta Phi Engineering Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society Alumnus.

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