Roles of AIDD, AUCD, URC, & UCEDDs

AUCD Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit Logo

Individual UCEDDs vary in their historical and current efforts to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion. They also operate in widely different social, political, and economic environments. The ED&I Action Plan provides an organized listing of suggested objectives and action steps that are intended to help move the UCEDD National Network towards a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive society for individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups. The plan acknowledges that its goals of achieving equity, enhancing diversity, and assuring inclusion for people with I/DD and their families require a broad societal commitment to social justice, which goes beyond the ability of any single entity to produce change. Nonetheless, UCEDDs can assume a small yet essential role in this struggle in their focus on individuals with I/DD and their family members from underserved groups. 

In developing the ED&I Action Plan, it was expected that individual UCEDDs will differ in their actual implementation of the plan, based on their setting, staffing, and state needs. Some UCEDDs may have well-established commitments and accomplishments in one or more of the areas; the plan is offered to these centers as a means of identifying what more can be done. Other UCEDDs may have fewer activities in these areas; the plan offers a means for the center to engage with their CACs to assess their current practices and establish priorities. The plan is, therefore, offered as a guide to assist UCEEDs in determining appropriate next steps based on the specific needs and resources of the UCEDD. Thus, all of the action steps are deemed as valid recommendations, which UCEDDs might consider in their planning and goal setting, but no UCEDD would ever be expected to address all of them. 

The following chart provides an abbreviated version of each of the objectives and actions steps. The chart also outlines more specifically what AIDD, AUCD, the URC, and the UCEDDs might do consistent with the objective and action step. It also presents a time frame -- in Year 1 following the adoption of this plan and beyond.

Area 1: Crosscutting Considerations (CC)

Objective CC-1: Demonstrate the participation of individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups at all levels and phases of the implementation of this ED&I Action Plan.

Action Step





CC-1.1: Increase meaningful participation of individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups

in all initiatives, projects, and activities.

Y1: Provide guidance on meaningful participation.

Y2: Create annual UCEDD performance measure on meaningful roles across activities. Y3+: Require reporting in PPR.

Y1+: Support information exchange on meaningful


across the core

functions at the



Y2+: Request COLA to identify exemplary practices. 

Y2: Develop data

reporting processes on meaningful roles for the UCEDD PPR.

Y3+: Generate a standard report on measure and provide TA to UCEDDs. 


Y2: Establish strategies, goals, and activities for meaningful engagement. Y3+: Develop procedures to support progress on meeting goals. 

Objective CC-2: Advance and disseminate scientific knowledge and innovation gained from the evaluation of ED&I and related initiatives for people with I/DD and their families from underserved groups throughout the U.S., its territories, and the tribal nations.

Action Step





CC-2.1: Document the results of ED&I initiatives on nearterm organizational outcomes such as consumer

satisfaction, employee

satisfaction, and effectiveness. 

Y2+: Request reporting of the evaluation of ED&I initiatives in the UCEDD PPR narrative.

Y2+: Create performance measure for research activities. Y3+: Require reporting in PPR.

Y1: Provide forums for information exchange and highlighting progress; seek support for federal funding.  Y2+: Work with all AUCD Councils to strengthen research across the network. 

Y1+: Build web repository for findings and resources.

Y2+: Develop a reporting structure for performance measure to document results of initiatives; coordinate training and TA.

Y1+: Work with CAC, leadership, faculty, and staff, to identify opportunities for evaluation; provide resources and tools to implement and assess progress on identified goals. 

CC-2.2: Document the results of ED&I initiatives on longterm organizational outcomes such as enhanced access, quality, and outcomes of I/DD

As above.

As above. 

As above.

As above. 

services and supports                





CC-2.3: Serve as a clearinghouse for findings from other fields that can inform ED&I initiatives. 


As above. 

As above.              

As above. 

Area 2: Workforce Diversity (WD)

Objective WD-1: Increase the recruitment, retention, and advancement of individuals from underserved groups, including those with I/DD and their families as full-time and part-time employees with a particular emphasis on leadership, faculty, professional, and clinical roles.

Action Step





WD-1.1: Assure the availability of reliable and accurate data on race and ethnicity, languages spoken, gender, disability or family identity, by position for all employees within the UCEDD.

Y1: Provide guidance to UCEDDs that requests data be reported in the NIRS for each

UCEDD position Y2: Create a performance measure that requires summary report by position.  Y3+: Require reporting in the PPR.

Y1+: Provide forums to address progress in workforce diversity at the annual

AUCD Conference.

Y1: Add fields to NIRS Directory profiles that reflect the additional demographic data being sought. Y2+: Provide standard report for programs and an aggregate report for the

UCEDD Network. 

Y 1+: Assure data on race, ethnicity, languages spoken, gender, disability

or family identity, and UCEDD

position for all employees is current in the NIRS Directory.

WD-1.2: Increase the recruitment of leadership, faculty, professional, and clinical roles to reflect the diversity of the UCEDD's respective states and territories. 

As above. 


As above.

As above. Also in Y2+: Continue to update D&I Toolkit on strategies for recruitment and

retention; highlight exemplary programs and model practices.

Y1+: Consult the D&I Toolkit and other resources on strategies; work with university diversity and equity offices; recruit and mentor new employees; set improvement goals; assess progress.

WD-1.3: Promote the retention and advancement in leadership, faculty, professional, and clinical roles for individuals from underserved groups.


As above.

As above. Also in Y3+: Implement a structure for longitudinal tracking of career advancement for all UCEDD employees in the NIRS Directory. 

As above. 

WD-1.4: Implement mentoring programs for

Y2+: Provide guidance and funding

As above for mentoring and leadership. 

Y1+: Continue to identify resources for mentoring and

Y2+: Utilize leadership development

leadership, faculty, professional, and clinical employees from underrepresented groups.

opportunities to strengthen mentoring and leadership development

Also in Y2+: Serve as network liaison to MSIs and ethnicspecific professional organizations as partners; seek external funding for network-wide


leadership development; provide models of exemplary mentoring programs from other sectors;

provide UCEDDspecific TA. 

opportunities; provide mentoring, especially for tenure-track faculty through promotion; apply for and obtain external funding for diversity fellowships. 

WD-1.5: Increase the diversity of individuals in leadership roles to reflect that of the U.S., its territories, and the tribal nations.


Y2: As part of the AUCD strategic plan, develop strategies to increase the number of individuals from underrepresented groups in UCEDD leadership positions.

Y2: Report on the diversity of

individuals in

UCEDD leadership positions. 

Y3+: Update

report; highlight strategies for leadership development and exemplary practices.

Y 1+: Develop UCEDD plan to increase the diversity in leadership roles; work with university diversity and equity offices; provide resources for expanded search and recruitment.

Objective WD-2: Increase the number and proportion of individuals from racial, ethnic, linguistic, and disability groups entering the I/DD and related professions in direct service, policy, advocacy, and research positions to better reflect the diversity of the overall population of the U.S., its territories, and tribal nations.

Action Step





WD-2.1: Increase the recruitment and retention of individuals from

under-represented racial, ethnic, linguistic, and disability groups into UCEDD training programs.

Y1+: Continue funding for diversity initiatives; develop guidance for reporting of intermediate and long-term trainees by race, ethnicity, languages spoken, disability status, and area of study. Y2+: Expand funding opportunities beyond one-year to three-year grants to support collaboration and sustainability.

Y1+: Highlight workforce diversity at the annual

AUCD Conference; serve as network liaison to MSIs, ethnic-specific professional organizations, and other partner organizations; seek external funding

for network-wide

initiatives; highlight best practices in recruitment, training, and minority pipeline programs. 

Y2+: Provide report for UCEDDs and the network on trainees by race, ethnicity, languages spoken, disability status, and area of study; continue to update D&I Toolkit on exemplary programs and model practices for trainee recruitment and retention; develop resources on scholarships and funding; provide TA to Training Directors.

Y1+: Consult the D&I Toolkit and other resources on strategies; establish diversity internships with an I/DD focus; provide shadowing opportunities and specialized experiences for students; identify mentors and provide mentoring for students, trainees and fellows from underrepresented groups; set improvement goals; assess progress.

WD-2.2: Increase the awareness of career options in I/DD and related

Y2: Develop guidance on the importance of developing early-

Y1+: In

partnership with UCEDDs in conference cities or

Y1+: Provide fields in NIRS for pre-career training activities and

Y1+: Develop

relationships with colleges and universities for

professions among middle school, high school, and college students from underrepresented groups.

and pre-career awareness of I/DD as a UCEDD activity.

Y3+: Request reporting of precareer training activities as part of the PPR; provide pipeline grants; work with other federal agencies to promote pipeline opportunities.

states, sponsor information booths about the UCEDD network at national meetings of associations representing MSIs; seek external funding for network-wide initiatives.

audiences; develop standard report for programs and the UCEDD network on pre-career training; update D&I Toolkit on training strategies and materials for pre-career students; provide

training and TA to UCEDDs on request.

lectures and career day presentations; partner with MSIs for teaching exchanges;

support high school STEM initiatives; provide internship, mentoring, and scholarship opportunities; set improvement goals; assess progress.

Area 3: Cultural and Linguistic Competence (CLC)  

Objective CLC-1: Increase the CLC of the UCEDDs both as programs and as members of their national network.

Action Step





CLC-1.1: Examine how CLC is manifested in: (a) workforce skills, knowledge, and capacities; (b) engagement of underserved communities; (c) investment in CLC

as a priority; (d) developing leaders from underserved groups; (e) ongoing training and assessment of faculty and staff; and (f) allocation of resources.

Y3: As part of the guidance for the Competing Core

Grant Applications, require UCEDDs to conduct an organizational assessment of CLC and include specific goals toward enhance CLC in the fiveyear plan for all competing UCEDDs.

Y4+: Provide an aggregate report for the UCEDD network on the number of programs that have conducted self-assessment, updated policies, and implemented

CLC initiatives.

Y1+: Continue to provide a repository for selfassessment measures, model policies and procedures, and with the Georgetown


Embedding Project curricula and training materials; highlight

exemplary program strategies and model practices; provide training and TA to UCEDDs.

Y3+: Conduct selfassessment; develop policies and procedures; develop CLC plan

in partnership with the CAC and community organizations including, but not limited to, those serving unserved or underserved populations; set improvement goals; assess progress.

CLC-1.2: Embed content related to

CLC across all UCEDD core

function areas.

Y2: Provide guidance to UCEDDs that requests regular reporting on how CLC is embedded across the core functions.

Y3+: Require reporting on CLC initiatives in the PPR.

Y2+: Highlight practices at annual AUCD Conference and UCEDD

Directors’ Retreats.

Y1+: Continue to update the D&I

Toolkit resources with exemplary practices; host Embedding Project website; highlight; provide training and TA to UCEDDs on request.

Y2+: Review how CLC is embedded in core functions; integrate content; monitor and report progress to stakeholders; share lessons learned with the network in peer-reviewed and grey literature.

Objective CLC-2: Increase the number of UCEDD-sponsored activities that promote leaders and leadership for individuals with I/DD and their families. 

Action Step





CLC-2.1: Include individuals with I/DD and family members as

trainers, trainees, mentors, content experts, and faculty across all


National Network programs. 

Y1+: Continue funding for initiatives such as

CLC Centers of

Excellence and

Communities of

Practice to support UCEDDs to develop this capacity.

Y2+: Highlight practices at annual AUCD Conference and UCEDD

Directors’ Retreat.

Y1+: Continue to update D&I Toolkit on CLC topics; host Embedding Project

website; highlight exemplary program strategies and model practices; provide training and technical assistance to UCEDDs on request.

Y2+: Conduct self- assessment of the extent to which

CLC is embedded in community training and technical assistance activities; create a plan of action; monitor and report progress to key stakeholders; share lessons learned with the network.

CLC-2.2: Increase the CLC of those who work with, learn from, and provide services for individuals with I/DD  and their families from underserved groups.







As above. 

Y2+: Update the D&I Toolkit on strategies for reciprocal engagement; identify opportunities; set improvement goals; assess progress.

Y 2+: Determine CLC priorities for the five-year plan; conduct surveys or needs assessments of service systems on CLC; create a plan of action; monitor and report progress to stakeholders; share lessons learned with the network.

Area 4: Local/State Impact (LSI)  

Objective LSI-1: Promote the systematic collection, analysis, and dissemination of disparity data across the areas of emphasis to serve as a benchmark against which progress can be measured.

Action Step





LSI-1.1: Gather reliable and accurate data on

the disparities in one or more areas of emphasis. 

Y3+: Provide guidance to UCEDDs that requests reporting of disparities addressed and how they are measured in the PPR.

As above. 

Y2+: Update D&I Toolkit on strategies and data sources for ED&I and diversity initiatives; other activities as noted above.  

Y3+: Identify data source(s) for

initiative(s) in area(s) of emphasis; examine

technical adequacy of data; report data in PPR.

LSI-1.2: Identify data sources that


disparities in the relevant areas of emphasis. 

Y1+: Work with federal agencies to include disability as a demographic

identity in surveys


Y2+: Provide summary of data

sources by demographic

variable by scope

(i.e., state or

Y2+: Contribute state or territory level indicators of progress.


and other routinely collected data.


national) by area of emphasis; update annually. 


Objective LSI-2: Advance and disseminate scientific knowledge and innovation related to reductions in disparities experienced by individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups throughout the nation.

Action Step





LSI-2.1: Establish a national research agenda to coordinate, sustain, and optimize impact of research on addressing disparities experienced by individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups throughout the nation.

Y2+: Advocate for federal funding to examine

disparities, equity, diversity, and inclusion; develop guidance that

requires the engagement of individuals from underserved groups in research. Y3+: Request and in Y5 require annual reporting on engagement in research in the PPR.

Y1+: Provide forums for directors, councils, and the general membership to address the continuing evolution of knowledge in this area at the annual AUCD Conference; seek federal support for development of national research agenda and for network-wide initiatives.

Y2+: Provide support for a network-wide workgroup on developing a shared research agenda; post deliberations on the URC website.

Y2+: Identify areas of disparity for intervention and collaboration; develop national partnerships; seek funding; assess progress.

LSI-2.2: Document the implementation of at least two initiatives designed to reduce disparities for individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups in the fiveyear plan.


Y3+: Require reporting on program implementation in at least one area of emphasis in the PPR.



As above. 

Y2+: Serve as a repository for findings as part of the D&I Toolkit; identify and provide existing resources and systems change strategies; coordinate training and TA to UCEDDs.

Y2+: Identify areas of disparity

for intervention; develop partnerships; seek funding; select data source; set improvement goals; assess progress; share lessons learned. 

Objective LSI-3: Promote the adoption of policies and legislation focused on reducing disparities and barriers to services experienced by individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups.

Action Step





LSI-3.1: Work with DD Network partners to develop and support advocacy

leaders with the

knowledge and

skills to work with governors, state agencies, and legislatures to define solutions to

Y1+: Continue and expand funding

for initiatives such as the CLC Community of

Practice; continue funding for comprehensive leadership development programs.

Y2+: Facilitate a dialogue with NDRN and the NACDD on developing stronger partnerships among the DD Network partners to address disparities, equity, diversity, and

Y1+: Continue investing in initiatives such as the AUCD Leadership Academy.

Y2+: Highlight best practices in

DD Network

partnerships; develop a listing of leadership and

Y3+: Determine CLC priorities for the UCEDD fiveyear plan; build

relationships with

DD Network

partners; assess needs, interest, and commitment of DD Network to

identify solutions for persistent

the persistent disparities experienced by individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups.


inclusion; highlight practices at annual AUCD Conference and UCEDD Directors’ Retreat.

cross-cultural coalition-building initiatives. 

inequities; assemble team; create plan; report progress to network partners; share lessons learned with the network.

LSI-3.2: Work with DD Network partners to organize crosscultural coalitions to educate and advocate for the implementation of evidence-based interventions to reduce disparities experienced by individuals with I/DD and their families from underserved groups.

Y1+: Continue and expand funding

for initiatives such as the CLC Community of

Practice; continue funding for comprehensive leadership development programs.

Y 1+: Request AUCD councils to highlight effective

models of engaging underserved communities, identifying methods, and promoting promote the use of

evidence-based practices in transforming systems.

Y2+: Support the dialogue with partners on building stronger partnerships among the DD Network; feature practices at annual AUCD

Conference and

Directors’ Retreat.

Y1+: Develop and maintain resources for training individuals with I/DD and their families to develop the knowledge and

skills necessary to successfully implement interventions; continue investing

in initiatives such as the AUCD Leadership Academy.

Y2+: Highlight lessons learned from the ten states selected for the Community of Practice.

Y 3+: Determine priority for the

UCEDD five-year plan; build relationships with

DD Network

partners; learn from states that have positive experiences in addressing disparities; conduct needs assessments on the interest and commitment of partners to address barriers and disparities; assemble team; create plan of action; monitor and report progress to partners; share lessons learned with the network.

LSI-3.3: Advance

and disseminate


knowledge on the

impact of developing leaders and crosscultural coalitions on reducing disparities. 

Y 1+: Advocate for federal funding for leadership preparation and organizational capacity building to implement equity, diversity, inclusion, and

disparity initiatives in the UCEDDs and their work with partner organizations. 

As above. 

Y2+: Develop (or contract for) a listing of

leadership and cross-culturalcoalition-building initiatives; host listing on URC website.

Y3+: Identify opportunities to evaluate leadership preparation and cross-cultural organizational capacity building initiatives; provide resources, select measurement tools, implement, and assess progress.

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