Brian Be

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Brian Be

Brian Be

JFK Partners
University of Colorado, Denver School of Medicine, CO

Brian Be is an artist, performs, write songs and does photo/videos. Being on the Autism Spectrum, he lives with ongoing challenges/blessings. He is a person with various ThisAbilities. Brian is the LEND Self-Advocate Fellow for JFK Partners during the 2017-18 academic year, taking arts into community wellness programs.

Why do he go by Brian Be? Simple, Be yourself, quirks & all.

Besides just entertainment performing, he combines interactive Arts with Wellness, for example as a public presenter, & co facilitator. He’s served community in many ways and 2 that are notable include; appointment to the Colorado Behavioral Health Planning and Advisory Council for 10 years, and for 2 years as co-chair of JFK Partners Community Advisory Council.

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